Donna on the cover of Good Housekeeping magazine
Donna Cruz and daughter Belle grace the cover of Good Housekeeping magazine on its Oct 2001 issue. Featured in the cover article entitled "Donna & Belle", Donna talks and shares about what is her life is like in Cebu. goodhousekeeping-big copy We're so proud to read this part of the article -- "Donna spends 4 hours (daily) in front of the computer wherein she answers emails, posts on the message boards, checks on, searches for fashion sites, shops at Victoria's Secret, and does research work for school." donna_gh1 copy      


Family Holiday Travels

Donna, Yong and family traveled for the holidays to Italy and Switzerland. Posts and vids below from Yong and Donna’s IG accounts.

Donna, Yong and Belle in the Galaxy Watch Manila Marathon

Donna, Yong and Belle recently participated in the Donna, Yong and Belle in the Galaxy Watch Manila Marathon. Donna finished 4th in the 10k Female Open Division! Belle also ran alongside Donna in the 10k division. Meanwhile, Yong finished in the 42k division, and