Donna with the solid Donnanians gathered last Dec 6th, 2015 at Reminisque Bistro for the annual get-together and advanced Christmas party.
Here are a few pictures:

Take a peek at Donna and Yong’s house and their Christmas tree! A short video from Yong’s instagram account.
Last December, Donna, her mom Tita Yolly indulged the Donnanians with an online chat. The members were thrilled!
One of our community members, Chin, has drawn Donna’s Lux commercial portrait.
In this post, we’ll feature three Donnanians who are artistic and talented and have created their own works of art that’s related or inspired by Donna Cruz!
Throwback to when Donna released her Christmas album, Merry Christmas Donna. Let’s sing along to a few tunes below this holiday season! May everyone have a fun, safe and blessed Christmas and New Year.