BTS – Crispy Fry TVC with Donna and Gio
The actual TVC is lovely but the BTS is super cute! Watch the behind the scenes cut of the Crispy Fry TVC with Donna and Gio: Watch video @ Ajinomoto PH’s Facebook Page: https://fb.watch/eUOgtoXp4y/
The actual TVC is lovely but the BTS is super cute! Watch the behind the scenes cut of the Crispy Fry TVC with Donna and Gio: Watch video @ Ajinomoto PH’s Facebook Page: https://fb.watch/eUOgtoXp4y/
A must-see! Watch the new Crispy Fry TVC with Donna and Gio. The TVC opens up with Donna singing ‘Hulog ng Langit’ at home. A very adorable and heartwarming TVC–
This is a nice Mother’s Day video post for Instagram and Facebook followers of Cookmunity (Ajinomoto Philippines), that has Donna and Marian.
Watch Donna & Gio in the official 2nd #CrispyFryPlayDay event video
Watch Donna & Gio’s interview and song number, as they grace the Aquaman screening day sponsored by Crispy Fry! #CrispyFryPlayDay
Got kids who don’t love having fish as much as you do? Watch Donna and Gio in their newest Crispy Fry TVC!
Donna shares one of her recipes to us– Garlic Potato Wedges.
Donna and her kids Cian and Gio in an interview during the Crispy Fry Play Day / Shake Shake launch.
Donna and kids graced the Crispy Fry Play Day / Shake Shake launch on Feb 24. Donna also got a surprise birthday treat!