BTS – Crispy Fry TVC with Donna and Gio
The actual TVC is lovely but the BTS is super cute! Watch the behind the scenes cut of the Crispy Fry TVC with Donna and Gio: Watch video @ Ajinomoto PH’s Facebook Page: https://fb.watch/eUOgtoXp4y/
The actual TVC is lovely but the BTS is super cute! Watch the behind the scenes cut of the Crispy Fry TVC with Donna and Gio: Watch video @ Ajinomoto PH’s Facebook Page: https://fb.watch/eUOgtoXp4y/
A must-see! Watch the new Crispy Fry TVC with Donna and Gio. The TVC opens up with Donna singing ‘Hulog ng Langit’ at home. A very adorable and heartwarming TVC–
This is a nice Mother’s Day video post for Instagram and Facebook followers of Cookmunity (Ajinomoto Philippines), that has Donna and Marian.
Donna and her family (Yong, Cian, Belle, and Gio) went to Japan for their Easter vacation. Here are some highlights from their IGs:
Donna went to Sao Paulo in Brazil to support her husband Yong in his latest marathon quest.
Donna’s birthday ain’t over yet…! Our star received a few more bundle of gifts for her birthday.
Donna’s family, relatives and close friends gathered the night of Valentines day and Donna’s birthday to celebrate with her. Donna’s husband Yong has thoughtfully prepared her party– from decorations to coordinating the red-colored shirts of the guests.
Solid Donnanians contributed for a very nice birthday cake as gift for Donna on her birthday.
Every year on February 14th it is double Valentines’ day for Donna’s fans (and Donna’s family!) – it is Valentines Day, and the birthday our everdearest sweetheart- Donna. Happy birthday Donna! May you be continued to be blessed with happiness, love, good health, and serve