Behind the scenes @ the Gloww photoshoot
Donna shared on Facebook a behind the scenes (BTS) video of her Gloww photoshoot.
Donna shared on Facebook a behind the scenes (BTS) video of her Gloww photoshoot.
In an instagram post on Tuesday, Donna’s husband Yong Larrazabal announced that Donna has finished her 4th full marathon at Revel Rockies in Colorado.
Around early May, Ann/Ken spotted this in Manila near NAIA and shared to Donna.
Donna shares one of her recipes to us– Garlic Potato Wedges.
During the last week of April 2018, Donna went to London to give support to husband Yong who’s participating in the 2018 London Marathon. She also met with Yong’s friends, Anwar and Karen, who are their gracious hosts.
Donna does the floss with the daughter of their host in London. Very well done!
In mid-April 2018, Donna and Yong went to Boston, as the latter will be participating in the 2018 Boston Marathon.
Donna and Marian share important tips on being fit. From Cookmunity by Ajinomoto.